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There's a Bathtub in the Kitchen of this Abandoned Decorative Farmhouse

I thought this place was abandoned until that smile on the face in a window upstairs caught my attention. The stairs inside had completely rotted away so I probably imagined it. Still, the face existed long enough for me to trip over some hay. But I can manage that myself without a pervy ghost.

Inside was pretty creepy but only 50% as scary because upstairs no longer had stairs connected to it. Climbing would be possible but the wood was rotten; the walk back, tiring; and upstairs was probably a corridor of nightmares. I didn't have that sort of time to invest, so I soon bounced.

Kitchen bathtub though. Nice. Functional and ideal for the habitual snacker. Why put your bath in a really cold room when you could be stirring hot pasta with your toes?

Hay was my first clue that the house is decorative. Fresh hay bales from the fields. There was lots of old hay too. I tripped over it just as well as the new stuff. Less bounce, mind.

Old hay with less bounce. Grass, left to die a second time, or to get globbed onto a new pile of hay when it mysteriously appears. Or get used by the local deer that we think live here. Probably as a bed. Aw.

It didn't have a road there. More a dirt path that was torn up with tyre tracks. The type that are terrible to walk along because it's slippery mud with grassy lumps of earth left in the middle. It was a pain to get to and a pain to leave even though it was only just over the hill.

I didn't mean to make it look so creepy. It just was. It felt like an old place that was abandoned quickly but left to rot for a few decades longer. Almost apocalyptic. If it wasn't for the fresh hay I'd have left it alone for all the deer to stay.

Fast movers. Too quick and far away too soon for me to get a picture of. But loads of them sleep here, clearly. I bet they love the hay. Maybe they put the bath there.