Book Review: Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs

Henry Carroll’s written tome is one of those well-designed books that explains itself and the concepts within with expert clarity. “If you can’t explain it to a 10 year old, then you don’t understand it yourself” goes the saying.

Well then it’s clear Henry Carroll understands photography; which means he understands that every photographer has their own selection of knowledge regarding the tech and art of picture making, and he can explain it to all of them.

Since photography is a collection of abilities and knowledge, “Read This if Your Want to Take Great Photographs” is both a linear and non-linear education depending on your reading habits; beginning with the camera as a cardboard box with a hole in it, and advancing from there, providing as minimum of a technical crash course as possible using infographics to maintain its referable, pocket-manual form.


Read it backwards, or pick at a random chapter each day, even if it’s a chapter you’ve already read; each section is a timeless nug of wisdom, stripped to the essential truth for anyone to understand.

Photographs included in the pages are exclusively masterpieces, and each one is necessary to directly illustrate the techniques and considerations explained in the book, often being referred to in other sections as to reuse prior references as well as tie chapters together into one whole - excellent - book.

A book I highly recommend.

Mine was gifted to me by my good friend Kai’a, and rather than being on my bookshelf, it’s tucked in my camera bag for inspiration on the road.

Again, highly recommended for any photographer of any skill level.

Split into five sections, the book covers composition, exposure, light, lenses and the art of seeing. Masterpieces by acclaimed photographers – including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Sebastião Salgado, Fay Godwin, Nadav Kander, Daido Moriyama and Martin Parr – serve to illustrate points and encourage readers to try out new ideas.
— Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs

Check out Fine Cocks in This "Beautiful Chickens" Book

I'm no Chicken Fancier but get ready for the pedigree cocks and red-breasted chicks provided by this "Beautiful Chickens" book which I found for £2 in an Oxfam today. Because chickens are fun.

Impressive poultry fill the pages of Beautiful Chickens: Portraits of Champion Breeds such as the beautiful the Plymouth Rock Cock and Frizzle Hen.

That sure is a beautiful chicken

That sure is a beautiful chicken

Some are clearly chickens, other's look like their tyrannosaur ancestors. A few look like feather dusters with feet but all of them are caught in a pose filled with character.

I've never raised chickens and I couldn't name a single breed, but this book leapt off the shelf at me between stacks of dusty second-hand books.

Poland Hen / Original photo: Andrew Perris

Poland Hen / Original photo: Andrew Perris

I decided to add it to my photobook collection the moment I saw the words "Beautiful Chickens". Sold. Nuff' said as far as I'm concerned.

A book of the finest cocks for my coffee table.

Belgian Barbu D'anvers Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris

Belgian Barbu D'anvers Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris

The photography of these champion breeds by Andrew Perris has the hurried look of a probably frustrating photoshoot yet it still captures the spark of life in the eyes of these funny animals.

I cannot imagine that chicken portraits are easy. I hope they're not drugged. Let's not think about it. The photography is great and each characteristic detail is brought out so that every idiosyncrasy is highlighted.

Cochin Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris

Cochin Cock / Original photo: Andrew Perris

Most importantly, the silliness of these jester-like birds is present in every picture.

Love it.

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