I'm Quite Keen for The Year Twenty Eighteen


You either loved 2017 or you read the news. Sure, nuclear war is in the news constantly and global warming is giving the British even stranger weather to talk about, but hey, we had a nice summer right?

I told myself I'd carry on that summer motivation into winter but that did not happen. I pictured walking the frozen forests with tripod in hand and a satchel or snacks to keep me fuelled. But no.

It's okay to be lazy in the cold weather, right? I think it's built into us humans to hide away for a chunk of the chilly year. 

Are you hiding away?


So, Did I Die or What?

Briar, Happy

Briar, Happy

Rip Phone, Friend, and Recurring Source of Debt

Well, I still have to pay the contract. At least the proven-ineffective case I bought for it is still fine; shame about the phone but at least I have something to put in the case while I walk around wondering things like "where is Kevin Spacey right now?" without a way to check.

Instagram Stories

Since I don't have a phone I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. In case you noticed: the dogs are all fine and nobody is dead, including me. Just my phone. My only phone.

Which makes Instagram stories really difficult.

I'll try to post but I doubt it will be regularly.

Briar, Unsure

Briar, Unsure

Your Phone, Is That It?

Yeah, I've been without a phone in the middle of the countryside so I talk to the dogs more than is healthy now. Briar, pictured, is enjoying her diet; Thistle is having teen angst; Inky wants to go to Alton Towers. Imogen, well, not even she knows what she wants. More plants? A cactus probably.

Are You Posting to Instagram Still?

Yes, and MORE. I'm posting to Instagram hopefully every day again now using my tablet. I've already got a ton of stuff to show you.

More? Like, more than Instagram?

YEAH. And I'm HYPED for it. Find out more in the coming blog posts. :)

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