Wildfires Above Dorset

3400 years is how long it would take to walk to the Sun. Which is the same distance it takes light just 8 minutes to cover. After each light photon first wriggles its way from the core of the source of all life on Earth.

bright crack in clousd

When those photons burst yellow through a widening aperture in the clouds which then opens to a rift of orange, it's a vision of a burning rupture.

A violent looking cataclysm you can feel the real heat of against your own face and it all unfolds in the space of a few minutes.

sun bursting through black clouds

In this case, these clouds bled sunlight through two punctures. "God rays". More accurately, "crepuscular rays". But here I think "Satan Beams" would be more accurate.

Another theory, which was offered by the Ancient Greeks, is that sunbeams pulled water up into the sky, to explain evaporation.

sky on fire

Some silver lining had clearly kindled and caught fire. Appearing burnt by the sun like paper under a candle.

batman shaped clouds

A Batman shaped hole forms as two terrifying omens merge into a single wound.

burnt clouds

The cherry red sun slips from under the black blanket of thick clouds, leaving streaks that glow hot against silhouetted foreground like torn curtains in the windows of a burning tower.

flaming sunset

Finally, a glowing yolk evades the pursuing shroud of night time to burn lighter, free from everything but the mist and an imminent horizon.

angry looking sun